Saturday 10 December 2011

Developmental Psychology MY QUIZ

Here are the results of your quiz:Correct answers are marked with a , while wrong answers have a next to them.
The stage of development in which Erikson believed that children must gain a greater sense of personal control is known as

a) Trust vs Mistrust

b) Initiative vs Guilt

c) Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt

d) Industry vs Inferiority

Your answer is wrong! The correct answer is "c". ( more information )

This theory of development emphasizes the role of the unconscious mind

a) Psychoanalysis

b) Cognitivism

c) Behaviorism

Good Job! The correct answer is "a". ( more info )

Harry Harlow's research with rhesus monkeys revealed the important of ___________ on early development

a) Education

b) Love

c) Nutrition

d) Discipline

Good Job! The correct answer is "b". ( more info )

The process of altering existing schemas in light of new information or experiences is known as

a) Assimilation

b) Equilibriation

c) Adaptation

d) Accomodation

Your answer is wrong! The correct answer is "d". ( more information )

The first level in Kohlberg's stages of moral development in which children initially view morality in terms of obedience and punishment is known as

a) Conventional Morality

b) Preconventional Morality

c) Postconventional Morality

Good Job! The correct answer is "b". ( more info )

The issue in developmental psychology that involves debate over the relative contributions of inheritance and the environment is known as the

a) Nature vs Nurture Debate

b) Early Experience vs Later Experience Debate

c) Continuity vs Discontinuity Debate

d) Abnormal Behavior vs Individual Differences Debate

Your answer is wrong! The correct answer is "a". ( more information )

Which of the following characteristics best described a child in the preoperational stage of cognitive development?

a) The child's knowledge of the world is limited to their sensory perceptions and motor activities.

b) The child is egocentric and cannot take on another person's perspective.

c) The child is fairly good at using inductive logic.

d) The child can utilize abstract thought when solving problems and planning for the future.

Your answer is wrong! The correct answer is "b". ( more information )

Compared to young adults, older people show an increase in __________.

a) Fluid Intelligence

b) Mathematical Understanding

c) Vocabulary

d) Crystallized Intelligence

Your answer is wrong! The correct answer is "d". ( more information )

A parenting style in which parents are indulgent and make few demands on their children

a) Authoritative Parenting

b) Authoritarian Parenting

c) Uninvolved Parenting

d) Permissive Parenting

Your answer is wrong! The correct answer is "d". ( more information )

The stage of prenatal development in which the neural tube develops into the brain and spinal cord is the

a) Germinal Stage

b) Embryonic Stage

c) Fetal Stage

Your answer is wrong! The correct answer is "c". ( more information )

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